How much is 5,000,000,000 octets?
It's about as much as a DVD
The amount of a DVD is about 5,000,000,000 octets.
(a.k.a. digital video disc) (single-side, single-layer; DVD-5 specification)
A typical capacity digital video disc will hold 5,000,000,000 octets of data. Such disks are 1.2 mm (0.047 in) thick.
It's about one-and-one-tenth times as much as an HDTV Television Show (30 Minutes)
The amount of an HDTV Television Show (30 Minutes) is about 4,530,000,000 octets.
(a.k.a. High Definition television, a.k.a. HD) (digital signal, QAM-256; 30 minutes)
Broadcast cable HDTV signals contain about 2,520,000 octets of data per second, or 4,530,000,000 octets in a thirty-minute television show. The first High Definition television broadcast was news footage from John Glenn's 1998 mission on the space shuttle Discovery.
It's about six-and-a-half times as much as a Compact Disc
The amount of a Compact Disc is about 773,100,000 octets.
(80-minute, 360,000 sector disc; "Red Book" specifications)
A typical, 80-minute capacity compact disc, commonly known as a 734,000,000 octets disc will actually hold 773,100,000 octets of data. Such disks are 1.2 mm (0.047 in) thick.
It's about one-tenth as much as a Blu-ray Disc
The amount of a Blu-ray Disc is about 53,000,000,000 octets.
(a.k.a. BD) (dual-layer; Blu-ray disc)
A typical Blu-ray disc will hold 54,000,000,000 octets of data. The increase in capacity versus a standard DVD is possible because of the smaller wavelength of blue light — 405 nanometers instead of 650 nanometers for the red laser light used in a DVD.
It's about one-tenth as much as Wikipedia
The amount of Wikipedia is about 57,000,000,000 octets.
(2009 figures) (all languages)
As of 2009, Wikipedia held 57,000,000,000 octets of publicly written and edited encyclopedia articles on 14.5 million subjects as well as associated commentary and discussion. Wikipedia is among the ten most popular websites on the Internet and the only non-profit entity in that group.
It's about one-thirty-fifth as much as an iPod
The amount of an iPod is about 172,000,000,000 octets.
(a.k.a. Apple iPod) (2010 figures; for iPod classic, sixth generation)
A sixth-generation, iPod classic MP3 player offers a storage capacity of 172,000,000,000 octets. Data is stored in the unit's hard drive, a 5,400 RPM SATA drive, which measures about 30 sq. cm (5 sq. in)
It's about 900 times as much as The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
The amount of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare is about 5,600,000 octets.
(ASCII, plain text)
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare would occupy about 5,600,000 octets when written in plain text without formatting. These works include 38 definitively-attributed plays — 11 tragedies, 17 comedies, and 10 tragedies — as well as 154 sonnets and numerous other poems.
It's about one-nine-hundredth as much as Watson
The amount of Watson is about 4,400,000,000,000 octets.
(data store only)
Watson, the IBM supercomputer famous for competing against humans on the televised trivia game show Jeopardy!, utilizes 4,400,000,000,000 octets of variously-structured data to formulate answers. While "thinking", Watson processes about 540,000,000,000 octets of data per second.
It's about one-one-thousand-five-hundredth as much as a Gap, Inc. Customer Database
The amount of a Gap, Inc. Customer Database is about 7,000,000,000,000 octets.
(a.k.a. The GAP Companies, a.k.a. Gap) (2012 figures)
The GAP Inc., the corporate parent of GAP store, Old Navy, and Banana Republic, has accumulated over 8,000,000,000,000 octets of data on almost a billion customers. The GAP, Inc remains the largest apparel retailer in the United States and was the largest in the world from the mid-1990s until about 2008.
It's about 2,000 times as much as a MP3 Song
The amount of a MP3 Song is about 3,000,000 octets.
(a.k.a. MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3, a.k.a. MPEG-2 Audio Layer 3) (128 Kbps, "near-CD-quality"; 3 minutes duration; average)
A three-minute song of typical quality will be about 3,000,000 octets when encoded into MP3 format. The song Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega was used by AT&T-Bell Labs engineer Karlheinz Brandenburg to test the compression process and is considered the first MP3 song.
It's about 3,000 times as much as a Digital Photo
The amount of a Digital Photo is about 1,600,000 octets.
(5.3 megapixels, JPEG compression, 100% quality, 24 bits/pixel)
A 5.3-megapixel digital camera photo requires about 1,600,000 octets of storage space. In 2010, it was expected that 90% of all professionally-taken photographs would be digital instead of film.
It's about 3,500 times as much as a Floppy Disk (3½-in)
The amount of a Floppy Disk (3½-in) is about 1,474,560 octets.
(high density, IBM PC format)
Despite common reference to them as "1.44" megabyte (mB) disks, the actual capacity of the most common model of a 3&-in (8.9 cm) floppy disk is 1,474,560 octets. At the height of their use 1996, there were an estimated five billion disks in use — nearly one for each person on Earth at the time.
It's about one-nine-thousand-five-hundredth as much as The's databases
The amount of The's databases is about 46,526,300,000,000 octets.
(largest databases only; 2005 figures) maintains information on the millions of items sold on it's e-Commerce website and the websites of its affiliate companies, as well as information on customer orders and browsing history, and excerpts from nearly a quarter-billion books in databases totaling an estimated 47,642,900,000,000 octets of data. receives over 615 million visits to its US website each year.
It's about one-fifteen-thousandth as much as The Google Earth database
The amount of The Google Earth database is about 77,500,000,000,000 octets.
(2006 figures) (raw imagery and indexes storage)
As of 2006, Google was storing 77,500,000,000,000 octets of raw image and index data for its satellite photo and virtual globe application, Google Earth. The application offers high resolution satellite imagery of 60% of the populated areas of the world, according to 2010 estimates.
It's about one-twenty-thousandth as much as The LHC Data Generated per Second
The amount of The LHC Data Generated per Second is about 100,000,000,000,000.00000000000000000 octets.
(a.k.a. Large Hadron Collider) (2008 figures)
Capturing millions of measurements per second on millions of subatomic particles, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) facility in Geneva generates 100,000,000,000,000.00000000000000000 octets of data every second. Data collection arrays are placed throughout the LHC's 8.6 km (5.3 mi) circular track.