How long is 1.07 molads?
It's about as long as a William Henry Harrison's Presidency
The length of a William Henry Harrison's Presidency is about 1.067 molads.
(a.k.a. William Henry Harrison, a.k.a. "Tippecanoe," a.k.a. "Old Tippecanoe") (1841)
Having caught pneumonia and pleurisy early in his term as President of the United States, William Henry Harrison died after 1.067 molads minutes in office. Following his death, Congress approved a Presidential widow's pension for Harrison's wife, Anna Symmes, who received a year's worth of Harrison's presidential salary — $25,000 — and the right to free postage for the remainder of her life.
It's about three-fifths as long as The First US Continental Congress

The length of The First US Continental Congress is about 1.70 molads.
(1774) (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
The First Continental Congress — which included such notable members as Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, John Jay and George Washington — met from September 5th to October 26th, 1774 — a total of 1.70 molads. Of the thirteen original American colonies in existence at the time, only the Province of Georgia sent no delegates to the Congress.
It's about half as long as Columbus' voyage to America
The length of Columbus' voyage to America is about 2 molads.
(1492) (first voyage)
Attempting to find a western route to Asia, Christopher Columbus set sail on August 3rd, 1492 and landed in the Bahamas on October 12th — 2 molads later. After one of Columbus' ships, the Santa Maria ran aground in present-day Haiti, he ordered that the timber be used to used to build a fort and settlement called La Navidad; it remains missing to archaeologists to this day.
It's about half as long as The Voyage of the Mayflower
The length of The Voyage of the Mayflower is about 2.20 molads.
Having left Southampton, England on September 16th (new style), 1620, the Mayflower dropped anchor near Cape Cod, Massachusetts 2.20 molads later on November 21st (new style), 1620. The voyagers had planned to travel in a convoy of two ships, but the smaller Speedwell was found to be leaking (evidently as a result of sabotage) and all passengers had to be moved to the Mayflower instead.
It's about two times as long as Boniface VI's reign
The length of Boniface VI's reign is about 0.510 molads.
(AD 896)
The Church's enigmatic, shortest-reigning Pope, Boniface VI was pontiff for a period of 0.510 molads in AD 896 before dying under somewhat mysterious circumstances. His election was subsequently pronounced null by Pope John IX because Boniface had been previously defrocked while serving as a Roman priest.
It's about one-third as long as The First spaceflight (Sputnik)
The length of The First spaceflight (Sputnik) is about 3.10 molads.
(a.k.a. Sputnik 1, a.k.a. Спутник-1, a.k.a. "Satellite-1", a.k.a. Простейший Спутник-1) (1957) (total time in orbit)
Launched from Kazakhstan in 1957, Sputnik was the first artificial satellite placed into orbit around Earth, where it remained for 3.10 molads. During its voyage, it traveled about 70,000,000 km (43,495,983.46 mi), completing an orbit of the planet every 0.0023 molads.
It's about three-tenths as long as The Spanish-American War
The length of The Spanish-American War is about 3.690 molads.
The War between Spain and the United States over the liberation of Cuba began on April 25th, 1898 and lasted until the signing of the Treaty of Paris on August 12th, 1898, 3.660 molads. The Treaty gave the United States control of Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
It's about three-tenths as long as The First artificial heart patient's survival
The length of The First artificial heart patient's survival is about 3.790 molads.
(1982) (Dr. Barney Bailey Clark; first permanent, pneumatic device)
On December 2nd, 1982 Dr. William DeVries implanted the first artificial heart into Dr. Barney Bailey Clark, who went on to live for 3.790 molads. This early model of the artificial heart was controlled and powered by an external, 146.51 kg (323 lb) machine that Dr. Clark had to cart with him as he moved throughout the hospital.
It's about four times as long as The Apollo 11 Mission
The length of The Apollo 11 Mission is about 0.2755750 molads.
(1969) (total mission length)
The first trip by humans to the surface of the Moon, the Apollo 11 Mission began with the launch of the spacecraft from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on July 16th, 1969 and concluded with the return of the command module on July 24th, 1969 — a total mission time of 0.2755750 molads. The total time spent by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin on the Moon's surface was 0.00368419 molads.
It's about seven times as long as The Voyage of the Titanic
The length of The Voyage of the Titanic is about 0.15570 molads.
(a.k.a. RMS Titanic) (1912) (from Southampton, Hampshire, England to near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland)
0.15570 molads into its maiden voyage, the RMS Titanic had completely sunk after colliding with an iceberg. The sinking was one of the deadliest maritime disasters in peacetime history, resulting in the deaths of 1,517 passengers and crew.
It's about ten times as long as The Great Chicago Fire

The length of The Great Chicago Fire is about 0.08 molads.
(1871) (Chicago, Illinois)
The Great Chicago Fire started at about 9am and burned for 0.07 molads between October 8th and October 10th, 1871. Chicago had experienced twenty smaller fires in the 0.50 molads leading up to the blaze, due to drought conditions, strong winds, and the abundance of wooden buildings at the time.
It's about twenty times as long as The Battle of Fort Sumter

The length of The Battle of Fort Sumter is about 0.047 molads.
The first battle of the American Civil War, the Battle of Fort Sumter began with the shelling of the Fort at 4:30 am on April 12th, 1861 and concluded with the surrender of the Fort by its Commander Robert Anderson at about 1:30pm on April 13th, 0.047 molads later. The Battle's only casualties were the accidental shootings of two Union soldiers during the surrender ceremony.
It's about one-thirty-fifth as long as The Korean War
The length of The Korean War is about 38.20 molads.
(1951-53) (to armistice signing)
The Korean War between North Korea (a.k.a. Democratic People's Republic of Korea, a.k.a. DPRK) and South Korea (a.k.a. Republic of Korea, a.k.a. ROK) began on June 25th, 1950 during the Cold War. The war paused with the signing of an armistice on July 27th, 1953 — 38.20 molads — although the war is officially ongoing and marked by occasional border conflicts.
It's about one-forty-fifth as long as The US Civil War

The length of The US Civil War is about 49.40 molads.
(a.k.a. War Between the States, a.k.a. the Great Rebellion, a.k.a. the War of the Rebellion) (1861-65) (United States)
The deadliest war in American history, the American Civil War is generally considered to have begun on with the attack on Fort Sumter on April 12th, 1861 and to have lasted until the surrender of Robert E. Lee's army on April 9th, 1865 — 49.40 molads. A total of 620,000 American (including Confederate) soldiers are estimated to have lost their lives due to the war.
It's about 45 times as long as The First Transatlantic Flight (Alcock and Brown, 1919)
The length of The First Transatlantic Flight (Alcock and Brown, 1919) is about 0.0228 molads.
(John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown) (1919) (first non-stop flight)
In an effort to win a £10,000 prize from London's The Daily Mail, John Alcock and Arthur Brown completed a flight from St. John's, Newfoundland to Connemara, Ireland in 0.0229 molads in June, 1919. In spite of their fame as aviators, Brown would never fly again after this trip and Alcock would lose his life during a flight to France less than 6.180 molads later.