How heavy is 37.799364166667 monme (匁)?
It's about as heavy as a Baseball
The weight of a Baseball is about 38.7443482708330 monme (匁).
(MLB rules)
Per Major League Baseball rules, a baseball must weigh between 37.7993641666670 monme (匁) and 39.6893323750 monme (匁). A major league pitcher can throw a baseball at up to 150 kph (91 mph) (with a fastball pitch), with record-setting pitches as fast as 171 kph (106 mph).
It's about one-and-one-tenth times as heavy as a Battery (D)
The weight of a Battery (D) is about 36 monme (匁).
A "D" size battery weighs 36 monme (匁). The D size battery is the oldest of the modern battery sizes, first invented by the National Carbon Company in 1898.
It's about nine-tenths as heavy as a Billiard Ball
The weight of a Billiard Ball is about 43.4692687916670 monme (匁).
(American-style, WPA specifications)
Per the World Pool-Billiard Association, a billiard ball weight must weigh between 41.5793005833330 monme (匁) and 45.3592370 monme (匁). According to legend, the difficulty in obtaining elephant ivory for the manufacture of billiard balls in the 19th century inspired the search for a replacement material, which led to the development of the first industrial plastic.
It's about nine-tenths as heavy as a Hockey Puck
The weight of a Hockey Puck is about 43.4692687916670 monme (匁).
(Ice hockey)
A standard ice hockey puck weighs between 41.5793005833330 monme (匁) and 45.3592370 monme (匁). Hockey pucks can be shot or passed at speeds of up to 160 kph (99 mph) during games.
It's about seven-tenths as heavy as a Hamster
The weight of a Hamster is about 50 monme (匁).
(for Syrian hamster, a.k.a. golden hamster, a.k.a. Mesocricetus auratus; adult)
An adult Syrian hamster has a typical weight of about 50 monme (匁). Known for transporting food in the pouches of their cheeks so that they can bury it later, some hamsters can store up to 7,000 monme (匁) of food in their borrows.
It's about one-and-a-half times as heavy as a Deck of Cards
The weight of a Deck of Cards is about 25 monme (匁).
(ISO 216 B8 size, a.k.a. "poker size" 63 x 88 mm, 52-card deck)
A deck of 52 ISO 216 B8-size playing cards weighs 25 monme (匁). Utilizing nearly 3,700 decks, the record-holding largest card tower was built in early 2010, stood over 3.5 m (11 ft), and weighed over 61,000 monme (匁).
It's about half as heavy as a Human Heart
The weight of a Human Heart is about 83 monme (匁).
(human; adult)
The average human heart weighs about 83 monme (匁). Each minute, the heart pumps between 10 and 20 liters (3 to 5 gallons) of blood through its chambers.
It's about two times as heavy as a Battery (C)
The weight of a Battery (C) is about 17 monme (匁).
A "C" size battery weighs 17 monme (匁). C batteries are typically used in medium-drain devices such as musical instruments.
It's about two-and-a-half times as heavy as a Tennis Ball
The weight of a Tennis Ball is about 15.40 monme (匁).
(ITF Standard; for Type 2 ball)
Per International Tennis Federation standard, regulation tennis balls must weigh about 15.40 monme (匁). Competition balls are also tested for bounce height, with the standards requiring that a ball dropped from 254 cm must bounce back to a height of 135 cm to 147 cm.
It's about two-fifths as heavy as a Can of Soup
The weight of a Can of Soup is about 93 monme (匁).
(for Campbell''s Condensed Tomato Soup, 317.9 ml)
A can of Campbell''s Tomato Soup weighs 93 monme (匁). Cans have been used to store soup and other foods since their invention in 1913, but a dedicated can opener was not developed until cans began to use thinner materials — prior to that time, cans were usually opened using various blunt instruments and tools.
It's about one-third as heavy as an American Football
The weight of an American Football is about 109.61815608330 monme (匁).
(a.k.a. "pigskin") (NFL standard)
Per National Football League official rules, an American football must weigh between 105.83821966670 monme (匁) and 113.39809250 monme (匁). Because of NFL regulations, ceremonial considerations, and backup requirements, each NFL Superbowl requires the manufacture of 144 balls exclusively for the event.
It's about one-third as heavy as a Football (Soccer Ball)
The weight of a Football (Soccer Ball) is about 110 monme (匁).
(a.k.a. Soccer, a.k.a. Association Football) (FIFA Law 2 specification)
According to FIFA's Law of the Game number 2, a football must weigh between 110 monme (匁) and 120 monme (匁). An artifact on display at the Smith Art Gallery and Museum in Stirling, Scotland is said to be the world's oldest football and is about one-third to one-half the size of a modern football.
It's about three times as heavy as a Golf Ball
The weight of a Golf Ball is about 12.250 monme (匁).
(per R&A USGA Rules of Golf; maximum rule weight)
According to the Rules of Golf (as approved by the United States Golf Association and the Rules Committee of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of Saint Andrews), golf balls must weigh no more than 12.250 monme (匁). Golf balls are not required to have the familiar dimpled pattern, but the design has been popular since its invention in 1905 because it reduces drag while increasing lift.
It's about four times as heavy as a Light Bulb
The weight of a Light Bulb is about 9.10 monme (匁).
(a.k.a. lamp) (for A19-size, 60w, incandescent bulb by Bulbrite; package weight)
A standard, sixty-watt light bulb weighs about 9.10 monme (匁). The tightly-coiled filament inside a bulb of this size would measure about 579mm if uncoiled and stretched out.
It's about one-fourth as heavy as a Basketball
The weight of a Basketball is about 166.317202330 monme (匁).
(NBA official ball standards, Size 7)
A regulation NBA basketball, manufactured by Spalding, is known as a Size 7 ball and weighs 166.317202330 monme (匁). These balls have 4,118 pebbles each with a diameter of 2.5 mm