Correction for the length of The First light bulb test (Edison, 1879)
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How long is 2.250 seconds?
It's about one-twenty-five-thousandth as long as The First light bulb test (Edison, 1879)
The length of The First light bulb test (Edison, 1879) is about 52,200 seconds.
(Thomas Edison's filament Thread No. 9) (1879) (total time)
Lit at 1:30am on October 22nd, 1879, the first Edison completed his first majorly successful test of his light bulb, which continued to burn for 52,200 seconds until the bulb glass succumbed to the heat and cracked, extinguishing the filament. Within 94,700,000 seconds of his success, Edison was selling 45,000 light bulbs per day to large companies across the country.