Correction for the length of The Longest Pro Baseball Game
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How long is 3 seconds?
It's about one-ten-thousandth as long as The Longest Pro Baseball Game
The length of The Longest Pro Baseball Game is about 30,300 seconds.
(1981) (McCoy Stadium, Pawtucket, Rhode Island)
The longest professional baseball game in history — a triple-A game between the Pawtucket Red Sox and the Rochester Red Wings — took place between April 18th and 19th, 1981 lasting a total of 30,200 seconds (and 33 innings). The Red Sox ultimately won the game 3-2, but not before the game set twelve records, including the most plate appearances by a single player - a three-way tie between Tom Eaton, Dallas Williams, and future Hall-of-Famer Cal Ripken Jr., all of Rochester.