Is 22,000 minutes as long as The First Transatlantic Flight (Alcock and Brown, 1919)?
It's about twenty times as long as The First Transatlantic Flight (Alcock and Brown, 1919)
The length of The First Transatlantic Flight (Alcock and Brown, 1919) is about 972 minutes.
(John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown) (1919) (first non-stop flight)
In an effort to win a £10,000 prize from London's The Daily Mail, John Alcock and Arthur Brown completed a flight from St. John's, Newfoundland to Connemara, Ireland in 16 hours and 12 minutes in June, 1919. In spite of their fame as aviators, Brown would never fly again after this trip and Alcock would lose his life during a flight to France less than 263,000 minutes later.
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